Scared rabbit

by Vanessa
(Auckland, new zealand)

I brought home Delilah (a black rabbit) 3 weeks ago, she still shakes every time i hold her or pat her, i try to hold her every day even for 5 mins. Its going to take a long process trying to make her feel comfortable! If you have a rabbit that is scared what did you do to make her less frightened?
I bough her another friend today and they seem to be going ok.
I am slowly introducing them both, so cross fingers it wont take long. I have attached two pics of them both and judging by one of the pics I do not think it will take long.

They are both outside rabbits and I also put Delilah on the lead and take her for a walk outside so she thinks she is free and tries to bolt for it.

What kinds of things do you put in for a rabbit? They both love dandelions and carrots!

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Mar 31, 2015
Delilah NEW
by: Anonymous

Toilet paper rolls, empty are fun for bunnies to throw around. One of mine lived looking up phone numbers in the book but he didn't call anyone--he just liked flipping the pages.

Let's try to address the scared issue now. Moonshine, my newest bun used to seem to shiver when i held her. How have you set up her living area? Does she have a place that is dark so she can chill in there? An enclosed space acts a bit like a real warren. Domestic pet buns are still governed by fight or flight instincts through millions of years of being the hunted.

Approach her slowly and try not to touch her. As she gains confidence, give her treats and speak in a soft voice, or sing to her if you can! One thing we can't do is to people-ize them. We are historically one of their enemies.

If you get to pet her, feel along her body for sore spots and under her belly. How is it? Tight like a drum or soft? It should be soft. The other one is a sign of bloat and discomfort like we get. Where did you get her from? An Easter gift?

One more thing....she owns you, not the other way around. Though smart, they aren't independent like cats or dogs and their skin is thinner and more prone to damage. Vets don't like shaving them with the exception of spaying.

Don't take it personally if she needs a dark space to feel secure in. To us, a dark space is terrifying. You and your darling have different perceptions of what she needs. I know it's hard not to pick her up and tell her everything is fine. But she won't get the message.

Of extreme Importance, she will be a 10 yr commitment. Can you handle it? If not.....what are you going to do? There's a lot to be aware e of when a cute bunzie lives with you.....

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