Rabbits like massages

by Ray
(Schenectady, NY)

Most all rabbits will lay down flat for a good bunny massage. The rubbing of the pelt and muscle underneath appears to feel good to them. All the rabbits I have owned all loved to be massaged. They even fell asleep during the process. It is a part of grooming and bonding. It is especially beneficial for older rabbits.

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Aug 20, 2015
Rabbits like massages NEW
by: Lydia

This is absolutely true. So, the original person that posted this is NOT a liar!!!

My bunny will actually nudge my hand with the tip of her nose indicating that she wants a massage. When I now take that hint and give her a massage, she will lay out flat and ENJOY that massage that she will sit still for 5-10 mins for. It is the funniest and cutest thing to watch.

Not every bunny is alike, but I can say that they are very intelligent animals. Don't sell them short.

May 11, 2015
liar NEW
by: Anonymous

you bloody liar

Sep 30, 2014
Massage NEW
by: Gigi

I rabbit also enjoys a massage a few times a day. She usually falls asleep.

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