Rabbits for children

by Serena

There are several breeds that could be considered - the mini lop, dutch, rex.... but the best thing to do is to get a rabbit from a breeder that really cares about their bunnies. This will ensure that the bunnies have been held daily (also correctly) and are not afraid of human contact. Good breeders will also make sure that they breed healthy rabbits with good temperments. In addition, you can meet the baby bunnies parents and check if they are friendly before you buy. I recommend www.mybunnykingdom.com in Kent (England) - fantastic gentle mini lops! They are so, so beautiful!
The mini lop is a breed known for its fun personality and gentle lovable temperment, but please remember that bunnies need a responsible adult owner who will ensure they are respected by the young child. Too many parents do not supervise their children whilst they pick up/ play with bunnies and then wonder why the bunny suddenly starts biting or being aggressive - blaming the bunny for the behaviour.
In addition younger owners will rarely continue the care needed daily to ensure rabbits are looked after properly, despite their begging and promises that they will, so the adult needs to be prepared to work and take on the care themselves! Taking in a bunny should never be considered if the child's parent is not committed too. Further, if you buy a bunny for your child, you need to find out as much as you can before you buy about how to care for your bunny.
To conclude, rabbits make the best companions for old and young alike and many breeds can be wonderful for children, with commitment, respect and kindness at the forefront of the bunny owners (and parents) mind.

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Oct 28, 2014
It should be : Rabbits AND Children..not Rabbits FOR Children.
by: Samantha

I got my Bunnies for me.
I allow my niece to visit them and 'try'to look after them...but they are mine.. they are fully my responsibility, I adore them!
I would not get a rabbit for a child.It would be like getting a dog or a horse for the child.
The Bunny should be for YOU, they are adult pets.
Bunnies are rarely cuddly and need to share their love and trust on their own terms.

Jul 08, 2013
bunnies and children
by: Anonymous

How old are your children?

Really, rabbits can live a long time and need stimulation, company (preferably another rabbit) and LOTS of space.

I hope you know what you are taking on and realise that a rabbit might not be the best pet for children as they quickly find them too unresponsive so get bored and then the poor animal is left alone and unloved.
Please do not let this happen

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