please help me identify what kind of rabbit Gizmo is!

by Zoe B
(New Jersey)

I got my rabbit, called,Gizmo yesterday.

He is eight weeks old. The pet store did not tell me what kind of breed he is, but I just had to have him!

Can anyone please help with the breed?

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Jan 19, 2015
I owned a bunny just like that NEW
by: Melanie evans

I owned a bunny like that she was a cross between a English spot and a lion head these little ones can be very small as my one was. We bred them all the time until my English spot thumper died on my birthday.

I hope this comment helps because she look like a English spot with grey spots but a lion head mane like my one 🐇🐰

Nov 26, 2014
rabbit NEW
by: Anonymous

lionhead :)

Aug 18, 2014
Lionhead NEW
by: Anonymous

Looks like a lionhead because of the fluffy mane!

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