Please Help Me Determine The Breed Of My Rabbit!

by Morgan
(Peru, IN)


I got my rabbit, Jadyn, at a pet store in town when she was very little. I was going to choose her brother but when I came back to get him, she hopped right up to me, almost as if to say, "Choose me!" And so I did.

I remember the man telling me that she was a rex rabbit mixed with something else. I'm very curious to know what the other breed in her is.

She is very sweet and very tame, walks on a leash with her collar, and loves to be held and snuggled. Also, I've noticed that her tail is kind of long compared to a purebred rex rabbit, so that might be a contribution to guessing or finding out her other breed. Any thoughts or answers are greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Side Note- In one of the pictures she is with one of the five baby wild rabbits I rescued and raised, they get along great, but soon I will be letting him go, even though he is also quite tame, I know he will always be wild and letting him go is the right thing to do.(The other 4 were already released but I kept him because he was the tamest.)

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May 17, 2015
Your rabbit NEW
by: Anonymous

Your rabbit is a cross between a Rex and an English spot. It is very kind of you to rescue rabbits. She is probably very attached to you. That is very sweet of her to jump up to you. She is one of a kind as many rabbits don't like to be handled even if they are super tame.

Jan 20, 2015
The English spot NEW
by: Melanie evansπŸ°πŸ’—πŸ’—

Her breed is the English spot go on google images and see for your self πŸ˜‰ from Melanie

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