Can you help with my bunnies!

by Ashley

Black one is Jacky and the tan one is pepermint

Black one is Jacky and the tan one is pepermint


I got theses sweet bunnies last night they are mother and daughter and i not sure what kind they are.
A friend said they may be dutch bunnies but they have spots down their backs.

Any help please?

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May 28, 2016
Bunny love NEW
by: Catherine

They are definitely not Dutch rabbits. I have one. They are English spots !!!!!!

English Spot

All rabbit breeds - English Spot Rabbit
Senior Weight: 5 - 8 pounds
Type: Arched
Color: White, with nose butterfly, eye circles, ears, cheek spots, spine and side spots in these colors: black, blue chocolate, gold, gray, lilac, tortoise.
Distinctive: Carriage and markings

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